Hector Bellerin was naturally happy to see his side come back twice against Chelsea despite playing away from home with 10 men for over an hour and after the game he spoke to the media, including a reporter from Croatia.
Bellerin started and impressed throughout the entire game, his splendid strike to equalise the icing on top of his man-of-the-match cake.
The reporter started by asking him if he was happy. “Yeah, but apart from the happiness of being able to get a point with 10 men, what I’m happy is with the fight and the character that the whole team showed with 10 men,” Bellerin replied.
“Losing someone like David which is really important for the way we play, everyone put themselves together and we came back into the game twice. And to do it in any game, especially to do it away at Stamford Bridge is obviously something to admire and I’m very happy, and I’m sure the coach is as well with the attitude from every single player.”
“I think I need to score way more to feel like that! It’s a great personal achievement, but as I say, that wouldn’t mean anything without the way that everyone put their heart into the game because a goal can personally make you happy, but when you see your teammates fighting for each other and everyone literally going in the same direction and pushing as hard as they can, that is what is beautiful to see as a player.”
“Well, I think Arteta has great ideas since he was a player and he’s always been like that and he’s been able to get the right attitude and the right mentality into the team. Everyone wants to run for each other because we can see that if we do what he tells us to do, we can be successful, and that’s the most important thing. To believe in the coach, to believe in the players, for the fans to believe in us, and if everyone believes in each other, everything is so much better.”
You can watch the full interview in the video below:
Intervju koji je Neven Cvijanović "Cvija" odradio sa Bellerinom."Da, sretan sam zbog toga što smo osvojili bod s igračem manje, ali pokraj toga, sretan sam zbog načina na koji smo se borili i karaktera koji smo pokazali nakon što je isključen David koji je jako bitan za našu igru. Svi smo skupili glave i vratili se u utakmicu dvaput. S igračem manje to nije lako napraviti nigdje, a pogotovo na Stamford Bridgeu i mislim da će trener biti vrlo sretan pristupom i karakterom koji smo pokazali."Cvija: "Čini se kako je neki novi duh u momčadi otkako je Mikel Arteta preuzeo momčad, što se dogodilo?""Arteta ima odlične ideje, još iz vremena kada je bio igrač. Uspio je instalirati pravi pristup u ovu momčad. Svi se žele boriti jedan za drugoga, svi žele trčati jedan za drugoga. Mi smo vidjeli da možemo biti uspješni ako budemo slušali i radili što nam kaže. To je najvažnije, da mi vjerujemo u njega, a on i navijači u nas."
Posted by KNA Arsenal Hrvatska on Wednesday, January 22, 2020