Daily Cannon Editorial Policy


Daily Cannon is a leading online publication dedicated to providing comprehensive coverage, insightful analysis, and engaging content about Arsenal Football Club. Our commitment to journalistic integrity, accuracy, and the Arsenal community guides our editorial policy. This document outlines the standards and practices that ensure our content meets the highest ethical and professional standards.


  • To deliver accurate, timely, and in-depth news, analysis, and commentary on Arsenal Football Club.
  • To foster a respectful and engaging community of Arsenal supporters through inclusive and balanced coverage.
  • To uphold journalistic integrity and transparency in all our reporting.

Content Standards

  1. Accuracy and Fact-Checking: All content must be thoroughly researched and fact-checked to ensure accuracy. This includes verifying dates, statistics, and quotations directly with credible sources or through reputable media outlets.
  2. Originality: Content must be original and provide unique value to our readers. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and all sources must be appropriately credited.
  3. Fairness and Impartiality: While we are a site by Arsenal fans for Arsenal fans, we strive for fairness in our reporting. This includes giving a balanced view of events and acknowledging diverse perspectives within the Arsenal community.
  4. Respect and Sensitivity: Our content will respect all individuals’ dignity, privacy, and rights. We will avoid sensationalism and ensure sensitive topics are handled with care, especially regarding rumours, transfers, and personal matters of players and staff.
  5. Transparency and Accountability: Any corrections or clarifications will be promptly addressed and transparently communicated to our readers. We are committed to acknowledging mistakes and learning from them.
  6. Engagement and Community: We encourage reader engagement and feedback through comments and social media. However, we expect our community to adhere to standards of respect, decency, and constructive dialogue.

Editorial Process

  1. Content Creation: Writers are expected to adhere to our content standards, focusing on topics that align with our objectives and the interests of our readership.
  2. Editorial Review: All content undergoes a rigorous editorial review to ensure it meets our quality and ethical standards. This includes checks for accuracy, originality, and adherence to our style guide.
  3. Publication: Once approved, content is published and shared across our platforms. We monitor audience engagement and feedback to inform future content and adjustments.
  4. Post-Publication: We are committed to monitoring our content post-publication for accuracy and relevance, making necessary updates or corrections in a timely manner.

Ethical Guidelines

  1. Conflicts of Interest: Contributors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest, including personal relationships or financial interests that could influence their coverage.
  2. Privacy: We respect individuals’ privacy and exercise caution in reporting on matters that may be invasive or sensitive.
  3. Advertising and Sponsorship: Advertising and sponsored content will be clearly distinguished from editorial content. Sponsorships or partnerships will not influence editorial decisions or content.
  4. Use of Social Media: While engaging on social media, our staff and contributors must maintain professionalism and uphold the values of Daily Cannon, including respect for individuals and factual accuracy.


Daily Cannon’s editorial policy is foundational to our mission of delivering exceptional coverage of Arsenal Football Club. By adhering to these guidelines, we maintain the trust and respect of our readership and contribute positively to the Arsenal community.