A wise man said that not everyone has equal talent, but all have the equal opportunity to develop a talent. These wise words came from Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, and we couldn’t agree more. Some of us have the talent of playing gry maszyny hot spot and winning a whopping amount, and others may have a talent for negotiation or being a people’s person. There are some people who possess the talent of singing and dancing. The question is – does everyone have talent? Well, there are two ways to look at it. Keep reading this post to know the answer.
Everyone’s Got Talent, not Everyone Uses it
All of us have talent. Person A might have a talent for cooking exceptionally tasty food, and Person B might be good at stand-up comedy. Does everyone have talent? The answer is YES. Does everyone know that they possess talent? Not everyone! Only some of us are aware of our talent.
Does everyone use their talent? No! Some people are unaware of their existing talent. Others know about their talent, but they choose to not showcase it to the world. Let’s take an example of an excellent home chef. She is an excellent cook but doesn’t choose to prepare meals for the world or open a restaurant. She enjoys cooking for her family, and that gives her joy.
Possessing talent does not mean that you must do something about it. Some people are comfortable using that talent to make others happy. They get joy by utilising that talent to please others. It is an enjoyable activity for them, but they are happy to keep it within themselves.
Identifying Your Hidden Talent
Lord Buddha believed that everyone is gifted in some or another way. People might tell you that you’re good for nothing and everyone around you is talented. But you need to look within yourselves and find out what you are good at. Perhaps you are an excellent swimmer. You keep telling people how much you love swimming and can live your entire life as a water baby. This is YOUR talent! You are a wonderful swimmer, and not everyone possesses this talent.
Maybe you are a gifted singer, and everyone compliments your melodious voice. This is your talent, and you should cherish it. It’s alright if you don’t want to participate in America’s Got Talent, but you should acknowledge your talent and feel proud. Everyone in this world is gifted. Being good with gadgets to painting beautifully – every hobby can be counted as a hidden talent.
The next time someone interrupts and tells you that you are not good enough, list your talent(s). Many people ignore their talent because they feel it’s ordinary. Here’s our suggestion: use your talent and showcase it to the world.
It’s Showtime!
Most of us are confused about what career path we should choose. How about utilising your talent and making a career out of it? You can use your dancing skills to become a choreographer, a professional dancer, a teacher, and even do a PhD in dance. Maybe you’re a good teacher but do not have a degree. Nobody is stopping you from teaching the underprivileged or your relative’s kids. Don’t shy away from using your talent because it can take you places!