The specific demands of Premier League clubs could make the current season wrap-up plan unworkable, according to some travel management higher-ups.
As you may have heard, one of the current plans to wrap-up the Premier League season involves one big mega-event. All the clubs involved would essentially set up camp in the midlands and possibly London, World Cup-style.
They’d play matches behind closed doors on TV to get all the fixtures done. The benefits would be isolating players away from the general public to get some kind of end to the season, however strange and artificial.
According to quotes in the Mirror, this may not be so easy to execute, though.
Christian Machowski of travel management company ESEM explained that clubs have such specific demands on facilities, location and so on that finding venues for 20 teams at once in a limited area just isn’t workable.
If any factor isn’t quite right, whether it’s accommodation, training facilities, travel, food or whatever, you can guarantee clubs would have major complaints the second they lost a game.
There’s too much at stake in both footballing and non-footballing terms. We don’t even know what the situation will be in May with the entire country yet. The current plan really seems like a fantasy right now.