Arsenal’s head groundsman has left the club and been replaced by Alan Russell.
Reece Waston had previously noted on social media that he would be leaving the club, although it was not clear why. With his final goodbye message, all has become clear.
“Yesterday was my last day at club,” Watson wrote. “A very weird feeling which I don’t know how to react. I can’t thank enough all the staff for my unbelievable send off, it’s a really special place in which the staff truly love the club and give everything to do their bit for its success. I hope to be able to take that passion to my new company. @aruss85 has taken over the role, I’m so proud that he has been given the chance to take things to the next level and really excited to see him excel in the position. As for me, a few days in Frome, and then I get straight into it on Monday. Let’s do this!! #rawstadia #arsenal #emiratesstadium.”
@aruss85 is Alan Russell about whom I know absolutely nothing apart from the fact he also plays football for Sunday league side, Wheathampstead 89 FC.
Reece Watson had been in charge of preparing the pitch for Arsenal for 13 years but revealed back in November that he would be leaving the club in February, 2019.