Images of Arsenal’s training kits for next season have been leaked.

Arsenal could be going for a more simplistic look with their training kits for the 2018/19 season.

Leaks from Footy Headlines reveal two designs.

One will be red with a dark blue stripe running across the shoulders and down each sleeve.

puma arsenal 18 19 training jerseys 2

The other will be white with the same blue strip and a pale red stripe on the hem of the shirt.

puma arsenal 18 19 training jerseys 3

Both designs are said to use a “shiny mesh-like” material.

If Puma’s leaked designs for our home, away and third kits next season are anything to go by, it seems we’ll be going with more basic designs than usual.

It’d be a departure from the norm, as they’ve come up with some unusual colour combinations and patterns since becoming the club’s kit supplier in 2014.

It’s been a while since we had nice, simple designs.

It might look a bit plain, but the fans might appreciate having more traditional looking kits again.

Arsenal are rumoured to be switching to Adidas from the start of the 2018/19 season.