Arsene Wenger has revealed that the reason Steve Bould hasn’t traveled to China with the rest of the squad is because he’s had to have surgery on his neck.

  • Bould made 287 appearances for Arsenal during playing days
  • Had to stay in Australia after damaging disc in neck
  • Required surgery but will be fine

Wenger has revealed that assistant manager Bould had to remain in Australia after suffering a disc problem in his neck, which required surgery.

“He has a disc problem on his neck and he had to [have an operation] in Australia – he couldn’t travel,” Wenger revealed, report

“He had to do it over there and it all went well, but he couldn’t go on, he suffered too much so we had to have it done in Australia.

“He will go home on Saturday from Australia, but he’s okay, I spoke to him on the phone and he is good.”

It’s good to hear that Bouldie is recovering well and that the reason he hasn’t traveled to China isn’t anything more sinister than a dodgy disc.

After being head of Arsenal’s academy from 2001 – 2012, Bould was promoted to first team assistant where he’s been ever since, so it was unusual not to see him sat next to Wenger during the Gunners’ clash against Bayern Munich in Shanghai.

Arsenal beat the Bundesliga giants 3-2 on penalties.

Hopefully Bouldie gets over his little bit neck niggle in time for the new season.