Kieran Tierney is enjoying what he’s seen of Mikel Arteta as a coach so far, particularly his one-to-one work with the Arsenal boss.

Kieran Tierney in training in Dubai (Photo via Twitter / Arsenal)
Kieran Tierney in training in Dubai (Photo via Twitter / Arsenal)

Speaking to Sky Sports earlier this year, in an interview released this week, Kieran Tierney gave his early impressions of Mikel Arteta as the new head coach at Arsenal.

Tierney is still yet to play under Arteta, so his experience comes purely from the training and rehabilitation side of things. However, he clearly likes what he’s seeing so far.

“I’ve seen all his video meetings, I’ve been in the meetings together as a team,” Tierney said. “Before the games, after the games, and just his analysis is amazing.

“In Dubai for the winter break, I was doing some one-to-one work with him, and that’s when I realised ‘this is brilliant’.

“Just to me like, he knows what’s going to happen in a game and how it’s going to happen. What you should do, where you’re going to get pressed from and where your options should be.

“You should know where the left mid’s going to be, the centre-mid, so you can just play in sync. Everybody’s one brain and I think that’s perfect.”

Arteta certainly seems to put a lot of emphasis on that analytical style of management. He wants his players to learn exactly what they need to do in any given scenario so they know their next step before they receive the ball.

If you get it right, your team becomes very difficult to live with. There’s less need to waste time considering your options during a game and the football becomes more free-flowing. That only happens with a lot of hard work on the training ground first.