There was a time when football wasn’t everywhere and we soaked up what little information we could find like thirsty little sponges. In that vein, 50 Years of Shoot! is a time-machine, catapulting you back to your youth.

50 years of shoot 2

A lot of you reading this probably don’t remember a time when all we got on TV was Match of the Day and one live match a week. I don’t remember combing the newspapers for information back then and we knew about signings only when clubs announced them.

As part of that era, Shoot! was a real favourite, delivering tidbits of insider information in 1,717 issues, the first of which was published 50 years ago today. I bought many of them with my pocket money.

The first edition billed itself as ‘ Britain’s first all- action soccer magazine for the young supporter’ and the equivalent of 5p as it delivered the top managers and players straight into your hands with exclusive interviews and features.

I occasionally get sent books to review and, if I’m honest, most of them are dull. I didn’t have many expectations when I requested an advance copy of 50 Years of Shoot but when it arrived and I opened it at a random page I was instantly back in my childhood.

I don’t know if I remember any of the individual articles featured, but it felt like I did. Old and familiar in that way only things from your childhood can be.

If you’re of a certain age, or even if you’re not and want to experience what it was like to be a football fan in the days before Sky Sports and 24/7 coverage of every footballer’s fart, I couldn’t recommend this book more.

This post has not been sponsored in any way but I did receive a free copy of 50 Years of Shoot to review honestly and with no obligation.