Arsenal 16-year-old Miguel Azeez scored the goal of the game in the u16 Premier League Cup final on Friday, even though his side went on to lose to Chelsea.

Miguel Azeez (Photo via Instagram / MiguelAzeez)
Miguel Azeez (Photo via Instagram / MiguelAzeez)

Arsenal u16s successfully progressed all the way to the cup final beating Everton, West Brom, Liverpool and Brighton on the way. They faced their biggest test at the final stage though, with Chelsea’s u16 side between them and the trophy.

The game started poorly, with the Blues taking the lead, but Mazeed Ogungbo then headed home a Miguel Azeez corner to make it 1-1. Arsenal went behind again not long later, before having a penalty claim turned down despite a clear infringement against striker Billy Vigar.

Unfortunately, that was the turning point, with Chelsea then scoring twice before half-time, including through a penalty of their own.

With Arsenal 4-1 down at half-time, they needed a bit of inspiration, and their star man Azeez was on hand to provide it:

Arsenal then pushed hard to bring the game level, creating all the best opportunities and forcing a few good blocks and saves. As they threw players forward with not long to go, Chelsea ended up picking them off on the counter to kill the game at 5-2. The scoreline was harsh on the youngsters, but the Blues were deserved winners in the end.

Even if the team wasn’t quite up for it on the day, Azeez definitely was. His close control impressed supporters on a number of occasions, and he was one of few who looked comfortable throughout the match. The youngster has already played nine games for the Arsenal u18s, but you’d expect there will be plenty more to come next season.