The Football Association will be questioned by MPs over their handling of bullying and discrimination claims from Eni Aluko.
The FA’s investigation into the claims was deemed to be inadequate by Aluko herself after they neglected to question key witnesses. Despite being paid by the FA to stay silent, the Chelsea forward found just cause to go public with the issue.
It seems her efforts to draw attention to the FA’s attempts to hush up the claims has worked. According to the Daily Mail, they’ll be facing a public questioning from MPs. The FA refused to launch a fresh investigation into the matter despite pressure from the PFA and Kick It Out.
England manager Mark Sampson then denied any allegations of wrong doing in front press hand-picked by the FA. Sampson has been accused of making discriminatory remarks towards his players, namely Eni Aluko and Drew Spence.
He allegedly asked Spence how many times she had been arrested despite the fact she had never been arrested before, and reacted to news of Aluko’s family coming over from Nigeria by saying he hopes they don’t bring Ebola with them.
Spence was not interviewed as part of the initial investigation, hence Aluko’s dismissal of it.