As you have probably noticed, this site has been experiencing a load of technical difficulties lately.

By ‘difficulties’ I mean the server is absolutely rubbish and completely incapable of handling the traffic being generated these days.

Of course, on the one hand this is great news – the site is more popular than ever, but on the other it’s beyond frustrating for everyone involved – from you guys who want to read the stuff we put up to us for not being able to put up the articles we really want to because we know the server can’t handle the traffic.

We are in the process of moving to a far better company but as I’m sure you know these things take a few days to complete.

We are hopeful the move will be sorted by early next week and until then we are likely to scale back on the news we bring you for a few days.

Thanks for sticking with us, we promise to make the site even better and have been adding writers so we can bring you the best Arsenal-related content around.

Until then, thank you for your patience.

[if you find the site down at any point between now and the move, it should be back up again in around ten minutes – I have the current server on speed dial]